Fatma's teacher has described Fatma's existing knowledge and skills using the Victorian Curriculum F–10: Mathematics content descriptors 'Number and place value'. They have also identified the knowledge and skills that Fatma needs to learn next.
Fatma can order numbers to 1,000 and continue number patterns by performing addition or subtraction for numbers up to 100.
Fatma's learning should be extended to order numbers to at least 10,000.
Place value
Fatma can use place value to describe quantities to 1,000.
They need to develop the skills to use place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least 10,000 to assist calculations and solve problems.
Addition and subtraction
Fatma can solve simple addition and subtraction problems using mental and written strategies.
Their next step is to recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies for computation.
Multiplication and Division
Fatma recognises multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays, and division as grouping into equal sets and solving simple problems using these representations.
Fatma's next step is to learn to recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and 10 and related division facts. They will also need to develop skills to solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies.
Proportional reasoning
Fatma can recognise common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections.
They need to extend to modelling unit fractions including one half, one quarter, one third, one fifth and their multiples and simple fractions involving numbers greater than one.
Next steps
Given their importance to other aspects of 'Number and place value', a priority for Fatma's maths teacher is to:
- extend Fatma's understanding and skills in counting and place value to numbers above 1,000
- achieve Fatma's fluency in these two areas
- provide opportunities for Fatma to practise the application of skills gained in these areas as they will overlap with the Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability strands (such as when reading the scale on a ruler).
It's important that these skills are taught in sequence. For example:
- recognise, understand, read and write four-digit numbers from a place value perspective and to transfer this to computations
- count up and down from any four-digit number in increments of 1, 10, 100 and 1,000
- recall addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts for single-digit numbers.
Teaching these intermediate steps will help Fatma to consolidate their understanding of place value and four-digit numbers, as well as other 'Number and place value' knowledge and skills.