Ahmed and Abdirahman, today we're going to read a text about how a volcano erupts.
So first thing I'd like you to do is to turn your paper over, and have a read of that text, and see if there's any information in there that you already know. And see if there's any information in there that's new.
Okay. Was there any information in there that you already knew?
Abdi, what did you already know?
That extreme heat below the Earth's crust melts rock.
Mm-hmm. Okay. Ahmed, is there anything else that you already knew?
Yeah, I knew that it rises and becomes harder.
And then it explodes at the summit of the volcano.
Good. Good. Was there anything in that explanation that was new, that you hadn't heard before?
What was new, Ahmed?
The gas bubbles.
Ah, yeah, that's right. Do you understand why the gas bubbles would make the explosion bigger? What does it remind you of Abdi?
Like when you get boiling water, yeah, it starts like... the bubbles start coming out, yeah, and 'cause it's too hot and it's because of extreme heat.
Yeah, that's right. So I've got some pictures here that illustrate different parts of the process and I want you to use the text to put the pictures in order along this strip of paper, okay? So you'll need to read the text and see if you can put the pictures in order. What's that one showing Abdirahman?
It's the magma going up.
Yeah. What's different about that picture?
This picture here and that picture, you can see…
What's different from this one, from this picture? What else is happening in this picture?
This one?
Oh, well, this one here, it hasn't fully, like, erupted.
But this one, it's beginning to actually erupt.
And what else is in there, apart from the magma?
In here, the gas bubble.
The lava.
Yes. There's gas bubbles in there. And what else is being collected in that magma?
Ash, rock.
Yeah, ash and rock.
And lava.
So is that... Where does it say that in the text, about it collecting the ash and the rock?
Here, the lava collects rocks and ash on its way up the vent.
Okay, so you think that one might come next, all righty. Now, there are some captions here. They're not exactly the same as the words in the text, so you're gonna have to read them and decide which of the pictures they go with.
All right? Some of it's similar to the text and some of it is different. So let's have a look at these.
This one.
As all of these rises up becoming hotter, gas bubbles form and become unstable.
And become unstable.
Yeah, it has...
Let's put that there. And why have you put it there?
The gas bubble... Because, like, the gas bubble, they start becoming, like, unstable.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And what can you see in the diagram that shows you that they're rising up?
Like it's-
There are arrows.
The arrows. Good. When it says, "Because of this," what does it mean? Because of what?
What is it that makes the magma rise up?
The pressure.
Mm-hmm. What is it? What does it say in the first sentence?
Extreme heat.
Uh-huh. And what happens…when it melts? What do we know about the magma? What does it tell us about the magma in that first sentence?
(Together) It's lighter than rock.
Ah, so then because of this, because it's lighter, it rises up, okay. So see if you can find another sentence to place.
Eventually the gas bubbles explode. This pushes the magma up through a gap in the Earth's crust called a vent.
So it's here.
It's here. Excellent. All right, we can see the vent and we can see the gas bubbles exploding.
Because they're not stable, they're unstable.
That's exactly right. Well done. You're doing a great job. What do you think comes next?
We know this is the last one because it says, "Finally."
Okay, excellent.
So we're gonna put it here.
Save that one. Is that… Hang on, where does this one go first?
This one.
Right, why are you putting this one here?
Because it says it can also cause damage to jet engines in aeroplanes, like the jet that's coming down.
That's exactly right. And that shows you the big shadow. I've got a question. I've got a brain teaser for you. Why do you think it says, "Finally" here in the middle of this text? Why do you think it says, "Finally," Abdirahman?
Because the magma is finally, like, it rised up and it's finally exploded.
And it's finally erupting.
This is all about it on the way and then this is when it comes out of the volcano.
Good. And what are the last three pictures and captions talking about?
What it can do…
after it erupts.
Exactly. It's talking about the results. Yeah. Usually, we'd expect to see finally at the end, wouldn't we?
Okay. So it kind of tells us that we've finished the process and now we're talking about the results. Well done.