What I'd like you to do now is have a look at some of the examples that I've written out of events that happened in Abel's life. What I'd like you to do with these events, and I'll show you from here, is put them in order, not of what order they happened in the story, but in order of the importance you think they are to Abel and the changes that happen in his life. So at the top of your list will be the event you think is most important in Abel's character development, in the way that he changes as a character. Does that make sense?
Daniela, did you want to tell me about that one?
Um, that was my first one, Abel meets Blueback because that happens at the start of the book, at the very start, and I think that's when Abel's life sort of starts off differently than his usual daily life.
So yeah, that's what I put my first one.
Yeah, so you've got, you see it as the daily life before that moment, and then after that moment how do you think that it's changed?
Because maybe he doesn't waste his time as he used to, he goes out and stays will Blueback for longer time than he would usually stay with other fishes.
Mm, mm. Okay, that's interesting.
My event description was Abel meets Blueback, and I think it is important because from that point, as I said before, he changed his way of living, for example he spend time with Blueback than what he would usually fill his time with. And my supporting quotes were, one of them was, "Abel swam with Blueback every chance he had." And yeah, that happens when he comes back from high school, so that's like after a while from, away from Blueback, I say common was when, how Blueback changed what Abel wants to do with his life, like I'm not sure what Abel wanted to do before, but having an idea that he wanted to live his life at Longboat with his mother and, but he changed it because of what Blue… of what he had a question and he wanted to know what, what Blueback was thinking. So he became a marine biologist, and in the book it says that, it says about how Blueback made him think about how the life creatures, how they move on with their life and what they've seen from travelling around the seas, and yeah.
Mm. How do you think that these changes that happen to Abel, how do you think it compares with the changes that you noticed in Brian earlier? So you talked about Brian becoming more independent and relying on himself more. How do you think that compares with Abel's, how, whether it's different or the same?
Abel, well both of these two boy's life, there was like a big impact, like Abel met Blueback and Brian had a plane crash, and um both of these people met a certain personal creature that said that, changed them like Brian mets the plane, I mean the person that was flying the plane; and Abel met Blueback.
And I think that for both of them these, yeah, they made them think about what, how they're going to live the life in future.