Forms of reporting
Forms of reporting include:
Informal reporting
Informal reporting, which commonly refers to:
- Emails exchanged between a student and teacher, or a teacher and a parent, about a learning progress
- Impromptu conversations, face-to-face or via telephone, between a teacher and a parent about a child's learning progress.
Interim reporting
This describes a form of reporting that occurs prior to more structured or formal reporting to give an early 'heads up' to students and parents about learning progress
Formal report
This refers to a more 'traditional' form of reporting that has been in use for more than a century and which often takes the form of a printed document issued twice a year to parents
Continuous reporting
This refers to reporting that harnesses digital technologies to provide teacher, students and parents access to assessment information in 'real-time' and which can provide scope for teacher judgements to be made against the achievement standards at any time in a reporting period (so, not tied to an 'end-of-semester' formal report)
Structured learning conversations
This can take many forms, including:
Parent-Teacher Interviews, which are commonly led by the teacher
Student-Led Conferences, which are commonly led by the student, who shares all or part of a learning portfolio
Student Learning Conversations, which commonly take the form of a three-way dialogue (teacher, parent, student), where all take turns to lead part of the conversation, learning with and from each other
Learning portfolios
These usually describes a deliberately gathered set of learning artefacts (digital or other) and reflections that richly illuminate learning progress and growth over time.
Suggested dialogue questions:
In light of our aspiration for student reporting, and the principles we identified as important to us – what combination of these forms of reporting are more likely to address what families want and need to know in relation to a young person’s progress and achievement in our school community?