Language-specific support and resources to assist teachers to deliver quality language programs.
Languages Online app
The Languages Online app contains learning resources for students from Years 3 - 8. It includes interactive tasks and supporting resources such as worksheets and printable posters.
The app is free. There are no in-app purchases and no registration is required. There are versions for iPads, Windows and Macs.
The app includes activities for students learning:
- French (8 topics)
- Indonesian (24 topics)
- Italian (8 topics)
- Japanese (20 topics)
Printable posters are available. Refer to:
For further information, refer to
The Languages Online app
Activities for VCE students: Model UN Conferences
'Model UNs' are language-specific simulations of the United Nations General Assembly delivered by the United Nations Association of Australia (Victorian Division) with funding support from the Department of Education and Training. They are held in German, French, Indonesian, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.
Model UNs offer students in government and non-government schools studying select languages at VCE, an immersive language learning experience facilitated by critical and spontaneous debate. Teams of VCE language students are assigned a UN member state and asked to research and advocate the views of that state on a key global issue in the target language.
Language-specific Model UNs are a unique and popular way for students to boost their language competencies and competitive edge in the lead up to their final written and oral exams, while deepening their understanding of the United Nations and its impact on international law and relations.
To learn more about the Model UNs see: Model Sessions of the UN General Assembly for VCE Languages Students.
Best-practice in languages education in Victorian schools digital stories
The 'best-practice in languages education in Victorian schools' digital stories showcase a range of innovative, whole-school approaches to the provision of high quality and sustainable Languages programs that are being implemented by government primary and secondary schools.
Best-practice in languages education in Victorian schools digital stories can be viewed on FUSE, our digital library and sharing space.
VCAA language assessments
To support teachers implementing the Victorian Curriculum F-10 Languages curriculum, the VCAA is offering access to a new suite of online language assessments.
Developed with and hosted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), the language assessments consist of a series of multiple-choice listening and reading tests. The assessments provide a snapshot of students' reading and listening skills, which can then be used to better target individual students' learning needs.
All language assessments are free of charge and are available 'on demand' with teachers deciding when and how often they wish to use them.
What languages are being offered
The language assessments are available as listening and reading tests in the following eight languages:
- Chinese (background and second language learner)
- French
- German
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Modern Greek
- Spanish
Find out more information and
access the language assessments.
My Languages Journey Passport
My Languages Journey Passport (the passport) has been developed as a resource for language teachers and as a means of engaging foundation to year 3 students and their families in language education. All students starting prep in government schools can use the Passport to keep a record of their language learning over their first four years of school.
Passports are available in Chinese, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese and Spanish, which are eight of the most widely taught languages in Victorian government schools.
Passports are a free resource for Victorian government schools. Non-government schools can order the Passports for $1.50 each.
Resources for multiple languages
Blended learning in languages education – eBook with resources and classroom ideas about how to use technologies to enhance language learning in Victorian schools
Guidelines to support assessment of digital language resources – guidelines to assist schools and teachers in selecting appropriate language resources for use in the languages classroom
eduSTAR Languages – a catalogue of apps and software applications for teachers and students
Languages education through virtual conferencing – a resource package consisting of manual and digital stories on how to set up or participate in language programs using virtual conferencing
Duolingo for schoolsblended learning companion where teachers can set up virtual classrooms. Duolingo lessons give each student personalised feedback and practice.
Schools Connect (pdf - 509.52kb)is an online platform where Victorian schools and other local and global schools can connect for project collaboration or sister-school partnerships -
Digital videos and teacher resources - FUSE is our digital library and sharing space. Use the advanced search to find online resources and tools for language teachers.
- The
Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC) loans language teaching resources to Victorian educators (from early years to adult) free of charge. The resources in all languages taught in schools and many community languages are available in all formats and are designed for a range of teaching approaches. The loans are for a maximum of 1 term. The centre is open all through the year (apart from public holidays). Government school teachers in non-metropolitan areas are able to request free postage of resources to the school but the school needs to pay for their return.
The Asia Education Foundation provides schools and teachers with a range of services that include curriculum resources, advice for schools, professional learning programs, study tours and conferences in Asia and an email discussion group.
Aboriginal Languages and Cultures Victoria supports the teaching of Aboriginal languages in Victorian schools. It contains a collection of resources and links and sample units to assist language teams in the development of their lessons.
Koorie Heritage Trust Cultural Centre hosts more than 20,000 artefacts, artworks and photographs, has an interactive sound and visual exhibition and a range of tours.
Language teacher associations
The department provides annual professional development funding support to the following language teacher associations:
Language-specific resources
The department provides schools and languages teachers with resources, weblinks and information about upcoming teacher professional learning and student activities for specific languages:
Aboriginal languages
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), in partnership with the department, provide professional development activities and advice to support schools and language teams delivering an Aboriginal language program.
contact: Kylie Witt
phone: (03) 9058 5120
For more information, see
Victorian Aboriginal Languages.