Development of the LAF
The Learning and Assessment Framework for Multiplicative Thinking (LAF) was developed on the basis of a detailed item analyses (Rasch Modelling) on data collected from approximately 3000 student responses to multiplicative assessment tasks administered at the beginning and end of the
Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years (SNMY) project.
The analysis dealt with predicting the probability of correct responses to test items as a function of student’s ability. The probability scale predicts the level a student is likely to be performing at 50 percent of the time. In terms of teaching implications this means that students need further consolidation of the concepts and strategies indicated at this level while being introduced to aspects of the next level.
More information about the SNMY research project and its methodology is available in the
project background
Technical reports and other documents related to the research are available in the
resource library
How to use this resource
The LAF brings together, in a hierarchy, all the key ideas, strategies and representations of multiplication and division needed to work flexibly and confidently with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percent across a wide range of contexts.
Learning and Assessment Framework as a table (pdf - 83.25kb) for more information.
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